Our boat may not be the largest but probably the crowdest ever landed at Pulau Bidong by a single boat.
Our boat is the last batch of about 10 boats that were allowed to leave Vietnam under the so called "semi official" departure program.
About 300 people were forced to move from another boat to our boat at the very last minutes before departure in a very stormy night at Ca Mau.
Thai pirates not only rob our people, rape young girls, they even try to sink our boat by banging and tearing apart our boat.
I remember the restroom in the back of the boat were torn apart and gone, I and my brother were sitting in the back and had to move to the front instead, all the money and jewelry we brought with us are gone because my little hide them in the secret place in the back of the boat when he see the pirate enter our boat.
When we getting close to land at Pulau Bidong from F zone, Malaysian police trying to tow our boat back to the open sea, so we have to sink our boat and everyone jump into water and start swimming, running to the shore. I believe some foreign delegation had to intervene with the police so we can stay.
When my feet touch the sand I know that I survive the most horrific journey of my life and thanks God, I am still alive.
Submited by Vo Khe Trinh